Dealers, manufacturers and workshops of and for agricultural machinery always find the right product in our large brand selection - from simple trailer tyres to individually configured or specially developed tyres. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive service through our competent and experienced contact partners - from complex wheels and pre-production calculation to logistical production support.

Tractors, sprayers, municipal and harvesters
Maximum traction, soil protection and the best-possible stability in both field and road use are the most important requirements for powered tyres. Field sprayers, combine harvesters, high-performance tractors and municipal vehicles are just a few of the specialised vehicles used in the agricultural sector. Our range provides the right tyre for every application. Whether radial, diagonal, standard, AS or wide tyres or the latest IF and VF technologies- we supply you with the right product.

Loading vehicles and trailers
Efficient, cost-effective and durable - tyres and wheels for use in earthmoving are characterised by high reliability. They ensure safe transportation on long road journeys and additional stability in field work. In the process, the demand for more efficiency through higher load capacity and optimal soil protection has continued to increase. High-performance implement tyres are considered to be the highest performing tyre for towed vehicles. At Bohnenkamp you can choose from a large selection of implement tyres.

Compactors, manure trailers & silage trailers
Growing efficiency, increasingly heavy machines and longer journeys to the job site place a high demand on the tyres of towed machines. Choosing the appropriate tyre and wheel technology provides increased efficiency during operational use and lowers the operating costs to a sustainable level as several measures can usually be combined Whether fodder mixers for efficient feeding, balers for direct processing in the field or manure trailers for field cultivation. We have the right choice for you - from the latest flotation tyres with IF and VF technology to standard tyres on agricultural trailers.

Yard loaders, telescopic loaders & Unimogs
Growing efficiency, increasingly heavy machines and longer journeys to the job site place a high demand on the tyres of towed machines. Choosing the appropriate tyre and wheel technology provides increased efficiency during operational use and lowers the operating costs to a sustainable level. We have the right choice for you - from the latest flotation tyres with IF and VF technology to standard tyres on agricultural trailers.

Our forestry products are genuine work tyres and specially designed for the respective area of application. Their respective characteristics ensure the best possible efficiency and performance: maximum traction, durability and stability. Multi-purpose tyres (MPT) for Unimogs are absolute all-rounders for mixed use on hard surfaces. Extremely strong rubber compounds and high stability on the side band enable efficient application, even the silo plates and concrete substrates - and the required traction when necessary.

Tyres and wheels for every application can be found in our ONLINESHOP !